Stay Sharp

Thursday, June 19, 2008

The Chicken Hut - Brooklyn N.Y.

Outlawed by the outlawed, the BLACK LABEL BIKE CLUB is something you don't hear about on a daily basis...yet! Thanks to BLBC Greg I had the chance to meet some of the people around as well as hang out on the coolest fucking roof top in the world. Man, do I love Brooklyn! Looks like some run down, thrash filled slum industrial skid row at first sight, but when you take a look behind the facade you'll find some pretty cool people and stuff going on. Well, after been in Japan for some 10 years, anything "western" looks a bit shitty to me. Just by chance, I was "home staying" just one block from the Chicken Hut, the BLBC's HQ's. Even got me a lesson in Tall Bike manners, man was I hooked! Brakeless, freewheel 2 meters up... that's the way to roll!

Next year the BLBC are planning a trip to Nippon and the RxKxBx are going to do everything we can to support them. Anyone with connections in the art studio / garage / weld / thrashed bike frame / magazine field, contact me. Lets give the Tall Bike innovators a warm welcome 2009.


1 comment:

Bird said...

Totally awesome shots man!
Very nice work, great subject!