Stay Sharp

Sunday, June 03, 2007

Virgin Voyage Venture

5D II proved to be a good buy for $1000 less than the full priced one at the big camera ashram in Shinjuku i.e Yodobashi Camera, the worlds biggest camera store. Even though being second hand (A-rank) the camera had not a scratch on it and hadn't been used by a photographer before me. Second hand here in Japan means many times that the camera/lens or whatever it may be has been taken out from it's original box. For $1000 I can do other creative stuff so the small risk of getting a piece of junk was worth to take. I did though found a small dark spot on some overexposed images in the lower corner of some of the images. CMOS sensor cleaning is under way. These three images was taken in the same area within an hour in West Shinjuku, my favourite "city" in Tokyo. Here you have in the West corner some of Japans coolest skyscrapers (love these kind of buildings and I spend time among these giants whenever I can) nicely blended with a homeless camping ground of Chuo Park, in the East corner is Japans by far dirtiest and grittiest redlight ghetto and bar/restaurant area. In the South two of the best selected bookstores in Tokyo. What more could you ask for?

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